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1009, 2020

Help with New Statement of Affairs (Form SA2); replacing the Inland Revenue Affidavit (Form CA24)

September 10th, 2020|

Erin Research recently hosted a webinar for solicitors across Ireland in relation to the new online format being introduced by the Revenue Commissioners for probate applications. Managing Director Padraic Grennan spoke with Roisin McKevitt of the Revenue Commissioners and Anne Heenan of the Probate Office regarding the changes to the new format which will take effect from 14th September 2020. To date the process has involved the filing of paper form CA24 (Inland Revenue Affidavit) to the Probate Office along will all other relevant papers, however, this practice will cease from the 14th September onwards. The CA24 is being replaced by the new Statement of Affairs Form (SA2) which will now be completed online and submitted directly to Revenue. Given the imminent changes to a process that has been in existence for many years, there were naturally many queries [...]

209, 2020

Applying for Probate in Ireland

September 2nd, 2020|

 Applying for Probate in Ireland: Nine Things to Remember In Ireland, if a person owns property and assets when they die, the executor of their estate must apply for a Grant of Probate to the Probate Office to divide up these assets according to the Deceased’s wishes. The property and assets cannot be divided up until the Grant of Probate is extracted. If a person dies without a will (intestate) a Grant of Letters of Administration is issued to the Deceased’s nearest next-of-kin at date of death, in accordance with the Succession Act 1965. Recent figures from the Dublin Probate Office show that rejection rates for probate applications run between 50% and 70%, meaning the whole process can take much longer than necessary for both clients, solicitors and the Probate Office itself. Here we list a nine-point check list [...]

2105, 2020

Members of Guaranteed Irish

May 21st, 2020|

Erin Research has recently become the only probate genealogy company in Ireland to be awarded the Guaranteed Irish symbol. Membership of Guaranteed Irish is awarded to indigenous Irish companies that provide quality jobs, support local communities and are committed to Irish provenance. The brand is in existence since 1974 and is one that helps consumers and businesses identify products and services that are better for communities across Ireland. The impact of the global pandemic means that more than ever, Irish consumers and business need to support each other, which is an ethos underpinned by the Guaranteed Irish brand.

1905, 2020

Free CPD for Irish Solicitors

May 19th, 2020|

CPD Conference in Cork International Hotel, 26th May 2022 To book, click HERE Free CPD For Solicitors For the past 2 years, Erin Research has been providing quality CPD events to solicitors across Ireland  at low cost by means of its ongoing series of online seminars. When the global pandemic set in in 2020 and the country went into lockdown for the first time in March of that year, in-person CPD events quickly became obsolete. In light of the dangers that live events presented, and in line with newly-implemented Covid-19 restrictions, the Law Society of Ireland moved to allow Irish solicitors gain their entire CPD quota for 2020 online. It was at this point that Erin Research decided to begin providing CPD lectures to the Irish legal profession. Given the nature of our core business as probate genealogists, our [...]

1405, 2020

Probate Genealogy Services Provided to Local Authorities

May 14th, 2020|

Council Review speaks to Padraic Grennan speaks about the probate genealogy research services being provided to local authorities across Ireland. Establishing ownership of vacant homes can be a complicated issue for council housing staff. In many cases, extensive genealogy research is required to identify and trace that person or their next-of-kin. This probate genealogy service is particularly useful to vacant homes officers. As part of the Compulsory Purchase Order process, owners can be identified and located at an early stage. This eliminates any complications at a later date should a property be acquired. Erin Research has extended its probate genealogy service offering to assist councils in this regard.

404, 2020

Verifying the Family Tree

April 4th, 2020|

The Spring 2020 edition of the Dublin Solicitor's Bar Association quarterly magazine "The Parchment" published an article on the importance of verifying a family tree when distributing an estate. Erin Research's Managing Director Padraic Grennan discusses in detail why having family trees verified by a fully insured professional probate research firm is of the utmost importance to ensure safe and secure distribution of estate funds.

2709, 2019

Probate Genealogy – Three research services every solicitor needs to know about

September 27th, 2019|

As a firm set up to assist solicitors and the Irish legal profession, we regularly come across different cases and scenarios where help is needed, but either the client or the solicitor are unsure where to turn. Examples can include estates that have not been attended to for months or years due to ongoing family issues or disputes, next-of-kin who are known to exist but who have been unresponsive to correspondence thus far, and clients who feel they need to trace all family members before they can engage with a probate solicitor. In our dealings on these cases we like to assure our clients from the start that their case can be resolved and in most cases, within a shorter time frame than expected. This news is always welcomed by all parties involved. At Erin Research, we have three [...]

2208, 2019

Erin Research feature in The Parchment Magazine

August 22nd, 2019|

Erin Research recently featured in The Dublin Solicitor's Bar Association magazine "The Parchment". Managing Director Padraic Grennan discusses how his firm can help resolve historical probate cases and facilitate the safe distribution of stagnant estates. If you are a lawyer dealing with such an issue, please don't hesitate to contact us for a friendly discussion about how we can help.

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